Why Influencer Marketing Should Be Part of Your Marketing Campaign

Influencer marketing is a new-age version of word-of-mouth publicity, which is considered as one of the most effective forms of marketing.

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In today’s world, word-of-mouth goes beyond family and friends. Recommendations from celebrities, public figures, leaders, professional advisors, etc. create a vast impact in increasing the sales of a brand. In our daily lives as well, we tend to buy products or services that were suggested to us by someone. People express their opinions, experiences and suggestions openly which could be influential. However, it shouldn’t come across as a negative thing. It is a means by which potential individuals are targeted to influence buyers to benefit the brand. People are highly likely to opt for a brand based on the recommendations of an individual they respect and trust.

Following are the reasons why influencer marketing is an essential part of content marketing strategy:
  • Authentic Source: Influencers create a sense of authenticity to the brand, unlike the traditional online ads that talk about a long list of benefits sounding boastful. The way influencers market a brand doesn’t seem forced which is preferred by the consumer.
  • Catering to new Audience: Influencers draw the attention of new customers through different techniques. Influencers have a niche follower base and based upon that, they can be fruitful in persuading customers.
  • Cost Effective: Since the reach of the influencer is higher and is deemed authentic, it is wise to invest in an influencer than elsewhere. This type of marketing connects with the target audience directly and the results can be far more profitable than the amount invested.
  • People-FocusedStories: People-focused stories connect instantly as people are likely to remember the advertisement and relate to it. It’s a fact that people don’t care much about the brand but if they see it impacting lives, as shown in the advertisement, they will be inclined towards it.
  • Win-Win Situation: If an influencer is within your budget and is well suited for your audience, it is a win-win situation for both parties as the influencer will gain popularity which will benefit your brand. In return, it will help increase their follower base as well.
  • Beyond Boundaries: To stand out of the clutter, a brand needs to differentiate its content bucket and showcase its product or service in a unique way. Influencers bring that uniqueness with creativity and experience that is liked and trusted by the audience.
  • Tracking is Easier: In the digital world, tracking performance of a certain campaign becomes easy with the help of social likes, number of clicks, traffic received on the page or website, etc. Thus, one can evaluate their progress and know their audience’s interests too.
All the points listed above prove the importance of influencer marketing in today’s digital times and its benefits in promoting the brand.

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