What to consider before adding CPA model in marketing strategies

Multichannel Marketing is a good approach. Along with outbound marketing, brands and businesses are also focusing on different digital marketing channels where affiliate marketing is enticing in India because it is performance based. When a brand decides to add Affiliate Marketing in its promotional practices there are many things to be considered upon.

Choosing a network with low price only is never a good idea there should many parameters to measure the ROI and select the perfect program striking impeccable balance between price and quality. Here are some points that you should consider before stepping ahead with the intentions of adding CPA model in promotional practices.

Selecting Affiliate Marketing Network

Choosing right affiliate marketing network in India is really perplexing, you have to find one that fits in your budget and provide maximum benefits. The kind of technology and tools provided is something you need to consider. You should also find out whether the network has prior experience in promoting the brands of your niche.

Publisher’s Commission

Decide the commission you are going to offer to the publishers especially if you planning in house affiliate marketing practices. You need to offer competitive commission to the publishers as well as a reason to promote your brand among your competitors.
Aim of approaching affiliate marketing.

You should also clear your aim of adding affiliate marketing as it offers both customer acquisition and large volume of visitors on your website. Affiliate Marketing has got advanced with the passage of time it provides the facility to acquire customers through different ad formats as well as re-targets them to bring more sales and ensuring brand awareness.


Validation process of actions done in CPA (Cost per Action) model should be quick since as soon as the actions are validated by the advertisers, publishers are given their commissions. This keeps their enthusiasm and spirits high to keep working and promoting your campaigns.

Deciding the type of publishers

You can find many types of publishers like content site affiliates, PPC affiliates, Email/Newsletter, Social Media, Shopping Services and Incentivized Traffic affiliates etc. Different publishers promote your brand in different ways and therefore, you need to find out that which type of publisher can bring quality traffic to your website and get valuable actions done under CPS, CPL, CPM, and CPI campaigns.


With the rising number of internet subscribers in mobile phones considerably and constantly you must make sure your website is responsive as well as you can track and target customers though mobile phones. When 45% traffic is generated through mobile phones it is always beneficial to keep abreast of the latest technologies and serve your best to the customers.

Co-ordination with other marketing channels

In the era of being digital same audience can found across different digital marketing channels. Make sure you are not spending twice for acquiring one customer. Set de-duplication policy to avoid such a situation.

Above discussion concludes that adding Affiliate Marketing in India in marketing practices requires through research but if taken in right direction it can be the best decision. It is being accepted in India since it let the advertiser hold control on many dimensions like number of sales, location of customers, expenditures, and traffic on website etc.

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